Lavender liquer is truly an incredibly easy homemade recipe you can prepare in the comfort of your own kitchen.
Impress your friends and guests with quite a unique and different taste after your dinner.
You can bet it is something they will never have tried before!
You can find the lavender ingedients you will need here
Ingredients you will need
500 ml. voda
400 ml. water
400 gr. sugar
1 cup of lavender buds (20-30gr of clean edible lavender)
1 small stem of lavender flower
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2-3 drops of purple baking colouring
In an airtight jar we mix the sugar along with the lavender buds and we leave it in a cool spot for 15 days. We make sure to shake the (closed) jar every 2-3 days. In the listed ingredients we mentioned you will need between 20 and 30 gr. The more you use the stronger the lavender scent of your liqueur will be! ** Make sure that the lavender buds you use are of the edible variety and they have been cleaned of their pollen, as lavender pollen can be hurtful in large quantities.
After 15 days, we boil the fragrant sugar with the water in a pot. We let it boil for a few minutes until it becomes syrup. We let it cool and we mix it with the vodka and the vanilla extract.
We pour the mixture in a bottle as is, without filtering/cleaning it and we add the lavender flower stem.
We close the bottle and leave it for 20 days to ferment, shaking the bottle every 5-6 days.
We filter the liquid to remove the lavender buds and flower and we move the liquor to a bottle of our choice. We add the purple food colouring and stir until completely mixed.
Ready! Serve a small glass of lavender liqueur to your guests and enjoy. It matches perfectly after roast beef!