our Lavender
At Lav-Ly, we devote our attention to every detail of the lavender angustifolia cultivation process, convinced that the quality of the final product exceeds all expectations. Our work starts from the hand and reaches the heart of nature.
Variety angustifolia: The Perfect Choice
The lavender we grow is the angustifolia variety, which stands out for its refined character and wonderful aroma. Every stage of the process, from harvesting to packaging, is a handcrafted experience that is at the core of our commitment to high quality.
As June approaches, the harvest season begins. We harvest the lavender with our hands gently and carefully. The bouquets are then hung in a shed to dry naturally, offering a unique sense of nature.
And begins the hardest part that we all want to avoid: sifting. The flowers are sifted a total of 4 times to get rid of the pollen. Clouds of pollen hover, eyes water, breathing becomes difficult, glasses fog up. Anyway, everyone finds an excuse... The one who continues undaunted is our dad...
The Result: Aromatic Elegance
The result is dried lavender flowers with a unique aroma, ready to offer you an exceptional relaxation experience. Enjoy the aromatic elegance of nature with every pouch from Lav-Ly.
Become a volunteer!
If you want to experience the full process of lavender, from the harvest to the end product, you can become a volunteer at our next harvest and have a in-depth view of what we do and why we love it so much. At the end, you will also be granted a few of our finished products as a gift!